Modern integrated cabinets, integrated furniture, and office furniture

Professional Furniture Private Enterprise

How to properly transport office furniture

2023-11-20 93

Recognition of furniture size and weight: Before transporting furniture, it is necessary to recognize the size and weight of the furniture to ensure that the size and ability of the transportation tool can meet the transportation requirements.

Maintain the appearance of furniture: When transporting furniture, it is necessary to pay attention to maintaining the appearance of the furniture to prevent scratches and wear. You can use materials such as maintenance film, mats, or towels to cover the exterior of furniture.

Pay attention to transfer roads: When moving furniture out of a room or house, it is necessary to choose a suitable transfer road to prevent furniture from colliding with walls, door frames, or other obstacles.


Ensure normal operation: When transferring furniture, it is necessary to pay attention to the operation, such as using suitable transfer tools, assigning work tasks, fixing furniture, etc.

Consider weather conditions: When transporting furniture, it is necessary to consider weather conditions, such as preventing furniture from being transferred in adverse weather conditions, selecting appropriate maintenance measures, etc.

Persist in communication: Throughout the entire transportation process, it is necessary to communicate with the owner or recipient of the furniture to ensure the smooth progress of the transportation process.

Article source: Jiangmen office furniture manufacturer Www.welber