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What is the best board for overall furniture customization

2023-11-20 152

Solid wood board: Solid wood board has aesthetic and other advantages, making it a good choice. But the price is relatively high and prone to deformation due to moisture.

Density board: Density board is a medium density fiberboard with features such as flatness and consolidation, suitable for manufacturing the bottom and sides of wardrobes.


Particle board: Particle board is limited by wood chips and glue, with a rough surface but relatively cheap price, suitable for manufacturing the back wall and partition of wardrobes.

Stone plastic composite board: Stone plastic composite board is a new type of building material with characteristics such as fire prevention and corrosion resistance, as well as simulation effects and decoration performance.

Metal veneers: Metal veneers are suitable for modern style whole house custom designs, providing a concise visual feel. But attention needs to be paid to preventing scratches and oxidation issues.

Article origin: Jiangmen overall furniture customization Www.welber